Winter Solistice 2023

Winter Solistice 2023

The Earth's axial tilt is at its greatest distance from the sun during the winter solstice, which is not just a day but a precise moment in time.

A major change in the calendar occurs with the winter solstice, a celestial event that heralds the final days of the year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, this astronomical event—which falls on December 21 in 2023—is known as the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

The official start of winter and a traditional opportunity to reflect on the cyclical nature of the seasons coincide with the solstice in 2023.

This natural occurrence has profound cultural significance in many different societies. It's an age-old contemplation on the seasons' cyclical nature.

The Northern Hemisphere leans away from the sun on the winter solstice, causing the sun's rays to strike the hemisphere at an oblique angle.

We turn the corner towards longer days and a little more sunlight on Thursday. The winter solstice falls on December 21. We'll start getting a few extra seconds of daylight again on Friday.